Changes to The Regulations for Non-Trading Operations

December 25 2015 18:13

Dear Clients,

We would like to inform you that the following information has been added to the Regulations for Non-Trading Operations:

  • The Company has the right to suspend performing of non-trading operations in the following cases: in case the Client Agreement is breached by a Client; in case of an elimination of consequences caused by a Spike; and in case of a technical failure;
  • The Company was registered in the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of the USA according to the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA). The Company has the right to request the Client to provide additional information and documents to identify the Client according to the FATCA requirements.

Also we have enlarged the list of documents required to verify the identification data of the Client and required by different fund transfer options.

We have merged some duplicate information into two sections. Section 4 "Payments Policy" contains some general information how payment requests are made and processed whereas section 5 "Funds Transfer Options" contains some specific information about each payment option.

The new version of the Regulations for Non-Trading Operations will be published on our website on 30th December, 2015.

Best Regards,

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